Job Shadow Day Matches 35 Students, Mentors at Van Nuys Airport
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Van Nuys Students See Technical Side of Aviation (Video)
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Western Jet Turns 20, Expands Gulfstream Mx Services
AINonlineby Chad Trautvetter - February 12, 2019, 11:22 AM
Business aviation services company Western Jet Aviation, which is marking its 20th anniversary, has expanded its existing full-service Gulfstream maintenance capabilities at California’s Van Nuys Airport to include the ultra-long-range G650. “What better way to commemorate two decades of providing operators with alternative options than by providing them with even more?” asked Western Jet founder and general manager Jim Hansen.
In the two decades since the company was started, “Western Jet has continued to grow while remaining true to its grass roots business model,” he said. “The expansion into full service avionics in 2009 was a pivotal and timely investment, broadening support to not only our Gulfstream customer base but to most other major business jet platforms as well.”
Dealerships, specialty paint and interior shops, APU support, a sizeable parts inventory, tenant office space, and charter services round out Western Jet’s offerings, according to Hansen. “Western Jet owes its ongoing success to our dedicated employees and loyal customers,” he added. “When I first opened the doors, I had one employee who is still with me today and now, after two decades, our team of professionals is still focused on offering quality, value, and the best possible customer experience.”